How to use a Project

Once you have completed your Project be sure to head to our ‘search’ section and start sending your Project to factories. 

Once you view a factory profile, simply click on to the ‘Message Company’ button on the left side. In the pop up, you can click onto the ‘Add A Project’ button in the bottom left corner.

Each project can only correspond with one product. Doing so allows for factories to easily understand everything that relates to a particular product. It will also allow for you as the brand to think about your particular product holistically and in detail.

Try your absolute best to complete each project with as much information as you can. This will be extremely helpful information to the factories which will help make your process with them seamless. We’ve also created an auto-save feature so that you no longer have to worry about saving anything.

Read on to get in line with  Preparation Before Creating a Project.

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